Sudo certbot renew --dry-run Invalid response

I think I’ve been here before when I first installed these certificates but now I am just renewing. Ubfirtunately the auto renew didn’t work so these have expired.

Type: unauthorized
Detail: Invalid response from

I have edited and finally renamed my .htaccess

Is this cloudflare again? Odd because I have a current certificate for also on cloudflare which seems fine.

I paused cloudflare and was able to renew. I guess thats also why the autorenew didn’t work.

How long does it take to refresh the sites since its still showing as expired

If certbot successfully renewed, the new certificates are already on your server. It depends on the method of installing those certificates on how to "implement" them. It could be you'll need to reload your webserver.

What was the rest of the error message?

Cloudflare shouldn't prevent HTTP-01 validation from working.

OK I paused cloudflare and the renew worked. I just resumed it and ran the dry run and with no error so I guess I wait until its due again since I believe it was Cloudflare stopping the autorenew to work.

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