SSL certificate install issues with Certbot for 1 domain

We’re using certbot to automatically install SSL certificates (and renew them) for custom domain names used on our platform; however, one particular custom domain name isn’t installing at all and we’re unsure as to why this error is occurring.

The message we receive for each install attempt is:
2019-06-19 10:31:52

{:domain=>“”, :crt_request_id=>1299

2019-06-19 10:31:54

{:domain=>“”, :crt_request_id=>1299, :error=>“domain not authorized”}

we’re setting up a domain for a known security vendor, they have the correct DNS records set and we’ve verified it, other domains are working fine, but this one particular domain keeps generating that error when an install attempt is made.

Just looking for guidance on the best way to proceed with this one particular anomaly.

Hi @akhil,

That doesn’t look like Certbot output—it looks like output from some kind of Ruby or Javascript tool to me. Are you using some other software in addition to Certbot to make these requests?

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Hi @akhil,

Welcome to the community forum!

Would you mind posting your domain so we can better assist you?

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