SMTP Error 454: Authentication Failed!

Please show:

Output for command "ls -lt /etc/letsencrypt/archive/"

Well that is an even bigger problem!
The four most recent files are all size ZERO.
I think you need to rerun certbot and reissue the current cert to see if that gets fixed.

Which I should do, webroot or nginx method?

This is the method I used last time.

sudo certbot certonly --webroot --agree-tos -d, --cert-name -w /var/www/html

You might just be able to rerun your last command or perhaps add --manual to have it prompt and walk you through the steps (if --manual doesn't clash with any other parameter).
There you should be able to choose to simply reissue the last cert (again).

certonly --webroot --manual should all work together.

What's with the shortened URL ? ? ?
Please remove that from your post.

certonly --webroot --manual only and nothing else just checking?

No no no - too funny!
I meant those three parameters should work together without clashing.
Use the entire command (again) and add --manual at the end.

Also: Please remove the URL from your post.

Yeah, honestly I don't know what the hell that shorturl is actually doing.

sudo certbot certonly --webroot --agree-tos -d, --cert-name --manual -w /var/www/html

Like so?... Also which domain or

It's bothering me - that's what it's doing - LOL
[that is its' sole purpose in this life - to bother me]

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Well you ate the certname and there seems to be a space between -- and manual.
But you have the general idea... I think.


sudo certbot certonly --webroot --agree-tos -d, --cert-name -w /var/www/html --manual

Well spotted, I did indeed have a space between the -- and manual... d'oh!

You can try this:

sudo certbot certonly --webroot --agree-tos -d, --cert-name -w /var/www/html --manual

It didn't like that for some reason...

As I review that command it brings me full circle to my first post:

We ate another chunk on that try too.
[I copied from a post above - but that was wrong]

copy and paste this corrected command:

sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/html --agree-tos -d, --cert-name --email --manual

And yet they do clash - I can't seem to get that right.

OK, just try it again without the --manual