Renew very old certificate / renew triggering the limits?

I use a Docker machine on Azure with a ‘let’s encrypt’ certificate.
Once the project is finished the customer will handle the machine so we want to have as little intervention as possible.

Our first approach was to request a certificate at every startup, but Azure can have it’s glitches and multiple reboots can hit the limit of the numbers of new certificate requests/week, which could potentially lead to a downtime of a few days given the 5 request/7days!!

We are now looking at the approach of getting the certificates once and make them part of the docker image and then do a renew at startup. This will work for now, but if the server starts a few years from now with the same x years old certificates baked into the image, will it still renew to an active certificate?

On the other hand I read somewhere that a renew is just another way of getting a new certificate, so will this potentially trigger the same 5 request/7days limits (as each time the docker restarts with the old certificates baked in, it will have to do a renew to be valid).

Is this an approach we can safely use in a production environment?
Is there an easy alternative?

Hi @DeCato

both options are bad.

You should save the account key and the certificate outside of your docker environment.

Then create one certificate, use it 60 - 85 days, then create the next.

Storing the certificate and the account inside an image is always bad.

Something goes wrong, the client restarts the image, 2, 3, 4, 5 - and the domain is one week blocked.


While agreeing with @JuergenAuer that you should look for other alternatives, I’ll note that the answer to your question is that certificates can always be renewed even after they are already expired.


But if you repeatedly boot an extremely old image, ‘renew’ the certificate (which is just a term for issuing a certificate), reset it, and repeat, you can still hit the duplicate certificate rate limit.


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