
We made a UI change recently that may affect those of you trying to automate the client.

Previously, you could create an account with the ACME server by using --email "" or by choosing “cancel” when prompted for an e-mail. This is no longer the case.

Instead, if you want to create an account without an e-mail address, --register-unsafely-without-email must be included on the command line. If this flag is included, there will be no prompt for an e-mail address.

Warning: Using --register-unsafely-without-email is highly discouraged. See the --help all output of the client for more information.

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it would be better to include an email because of recovery and stuff.

also I’ve never seen a flag this long, but well it makes sense as it SHOULD NOT be used, as an RFC would call it.


thanks @bmw for the heads up

luckily my integration for my nginx stack always requires email registration to LE :slight_smile: