Rate limit for '/acme' reached

Is it possible that you have multiple nodes running this software that are all using the same gateway? In the past, there have been issues like this because cloud systems/admins did not fully deactivate a node, and it's still running - and making requests (using up rate limits) without anyone realizing it. If the gateway is shared, they all contribute to the same IP limits, otherwise they overstep the account/domain limits.

There have also been issues with some employees of an organization installing new software and not telling others.

The 40/s rate limit is a combined limit against all the endpoints (acme + directory); it's enforced at ISRG's gateway.

It's possible that LetsEncrypt did change something. see Missing TLD [xn--4dbrk0ce / .ישראל] - #37 by mcpherrinm where LE noted they were doing some maintenance this week.