Open port 7000 on windows 2022 ssl


Was wondering hw must i open port 7000 for my windows 2022 standard server.

Hope you can help out

This is a forum for a Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority. I don't see what your question has to do with its services. Does that port speak TLS?


I hope you can help me out on this i want to have a ssl certificate for port 7000

If that's the case, it would be nice for us to know what kind of software you're dealing with.

Also note: in order to get certificates from LE, there should be access to port 80 (in case of HTTP-01 validation) or to port 443 (TLS-ALPN-01) from the public internet to your server. There's also an option to use DNS-01 validation, but that is often more complex and requires an API support from your DHP (DNS Hosting Provider).

As soon as you get the certificate—you can use it on any port you like, provided you browse by your_domain:7000 and not ip:7000.


it is azura cast what i will instal onvirtal box . And let it run on a windows 2022 server standard is this possible

I have a ssl certificate for port 80 . I do not see it on port 8000 .did i do something wrong

What is the OS inside the VirtualBox?

It is very unusual to have SSL on port 80.

Please share your domain name.


When I switch to https I see an IIS server running with a perfectly fine LE certificate displaying a default page.

I think your easiest bet is to reverse proxy your Azura Cast thing via IIS.

Another option is to obtain the certificate on the VM itself, but that also would still require some form of reverse proxying, since your port 80 is taken over by IIS.

There is also an option to copy the key+certificate onto the VM every time it's renewed, but that rapidly reaches into a very complex territory.

If you don't have any real use for the IIS (why does it display the default page?)—you can disable it and expose ports 80 and 443 directly from the VM.


Is Azura Cast the same as Icecast? Because I see an Icecast server using HTTP (no cert) on port 8000.

curl -i
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: Icecast 2.4.4

Ok i see i want to run also our automation system on the same server

Correct this is for our studio's to connect to the server

We don't see Icecast often here. Since you have a cert for your domain name what is required is to configure Icecast to use it.

Some people get it working straight away. Others not at all. I don't know it well enough to advise but you could search this forum for Icecast

I know that some people just reconfigure Icecast with SSL support and create a single file with the cert and private key. Others use a frontend proxy but one that supports streaming service like Icecast.

Or, visit the Icecast docs and its community. See the SSL setting and the related certificate config requirements.


Ok i see how can i connect a ssl certificate to port 8000

You'd configure whatever server software is listening on port 8000 to use the cert you already have. If you have questions about how to do that, consult the docs for that software or ask whatever support channels exist for it.

Certs are issued for domains, not for ports.


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