Obtaining a CA Bundle

I purchased a domain on Dynadot and it included a free SSL. I was able to get a Cert and a Key, however I need a CA bundle in order to integrate my website with my domain. How can I obtain my CA Bundle?

Hi @dayoung, and welcome to the LE community forum :slight_smile:

Please show the cert file here.



Forgive me as I am new to this. How do show the cert file?

On UNIX or even linux from the CLI
cat the_filename

On Windows from the CLI
type the_filename


As an alternative, can you show us what instructions you followed to get your free SSL cert?
Usually you'd get the bundle as part of that process, and getting it after-the-fact is possible but a bit complicated since you have to figure out exactly what one to use.


Under my my dynadot account I went through the following prompts after I set up my DNS settings:

  1. Free SSL
  2. Unlock Account
  3. Free SSL was generated
  4. A Certificate and Private Key was generated (Lets Encrypt Authority X3)

This was all that was that was provided. Dynadot customer service stated that they do not they do not provide assistance with SSL set up as it is a grey area for them.

The "Let’s Encrypt Authority X3" intermediate certificate has retired for some time now, so it's impossible for them to provide a certificate signed by that intermediate.. See Chain of Trust - Let's Encrypt for the current and past intermediate certificates.

As asked before, can you share the certificate you've received? The file generated by DynaDot sometimes contains multiple certificates. A single certificate begins with the text -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- followed by some seemingly random characters and ends with -----END CERTIFICATE-----. This can repeat itself a few times for multiple certificates in a single bundle. Note that anything between -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY----- (sometimes also including "RSA") is PRIVATE and should NOT be shared with anyone.


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