I have been running nextcloudpi for 6 months at least without any trouble, but since a few days I can’t access my cloud anymore because let’s encrypt certificate has not been renewed automatically, as it usually does. I get this error : thibmus.hopto.org utilise un certificat de sécurité invalide. Le certificat a expiré le 20 décembre 2018 à 12:26:11 UTC+1. La date courante est 30 décembre 2018 à 10:20. Code d’erreur : SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE
I don’t understand why this error happened in the first place, and have no clue on how to fix this.
Could someone please help me ? I have little knowledge about rapberry pi, apache serveur, nextcloud, linux etc … so if possible try to keep you answers simple. Thanks you in advance.
My domain is: thibmus.hopto.org
I ran this command:
No idea, it usually works automatically.
It produced this output: thibmus.hopto.org utilise un certificat de sécurité invalide. Le certificat a expiré le 20 décembre 2018 à 12:26:11 UTC+1. La date courante est 30 décembre 2018 à 10:20. Code d’erreur : SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE
My web server is (include version):
nextcloudpi 14
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):
raspberry pi 3 B+
My hosting provider, if applicable, is:
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know):
Yes but I don’t know what to do
I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):
Yes but access broken
Yes exactly, it is comes fully packaged with nextclouppi distribution/server, and it worked like a charm, so I am only aware of let’sencrypt because of this problem. I guess there is a way to do it manually as well.
No, because firefox or chrome won’t let me connect to my nextcloud, the connection being considered unsafe, but I can connect to the raspberry thanks to ssh.
When connecting via ssh, this is the message I get:
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:2mxYXF2KUdQGPyDk8SXe5/yTeLx5x1eWJMMi4JyhPqQ.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
In most cases when connecting to an unsafe website, the browser does show some other button (advanced), but for some reason when I am trying to connect to my website thibmus.hopto.org this button doesn’t show up, I suppose it is the same for you when you try.
Message in French, as if my nextcloud site was trying to steal some data from me :
Des individus malveillants tentent peut-être de subtiliser vos informations personnelles sur le site thibmus.hopto.org (mots de passe, messages ou numéros de carte de crédit, par exemple).
As for ssh, it is not my first connection from this machine.
Des individus malveillants tentent peut-être de subtiliser vos informations personnelles sur le site thibmus.hopto.org (mots de passe, messages ou numéros de carte de crédit, par exemple).
This server could not prove that it is thibmus.hopto.org ; its security certificate expired 11 days ago. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer's clock is currently set to Sunday, December 30, 2018. Does that look right? If not, you should correct your system's clock and then refresh this page.
Anyway, I noticed your site isn't reachable through port 80. I had to manually put https:// in front of it.
Was access through HTTP on port 80 possible earlier? Could it be NextCloudPi uses the http-01 challenge for the renewal and now port 80 is blocked, it can't?
Most likely you’ve set the HSTS header on your site. This header makes it so that any browser that’s visited your site once will always insist on a correct certificate in the future, and not let you click through warnings. Here’s an article on how to clear the settings in your browser: https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/clear-hsts-settings-chrome-firefox/
You should add HSTS only if you have always a working certificate. hopto.org is a public suffix, so if you send preload, another user may add your site to the Google preload list. Then you can't create an exception if your certificate is invalide.
Ok, this nextcloud is indeed a home server and I can’t create an exception in the browser so I will try to regain access thanks to @jsha instructions and then try to renew the certificate from the server, and let you know.
Thank you so much for your help, it takes me quite long time to understand all this and make the tests, so please be patient… but I’ll get back to you.
Thanks to @jsha 's suggestion I was able to regain access to my server through the browser. I then re-ran let’sencrypt configuration script in nextcloudpi, and it worked !! For some reason the certificate has been renewed or a new one has been issued and the server is working fine. Thanks so much for your help @jurgenhaas@jsha and @Osiris !