Newbie apache-centos7 question

hello - total newbie here to lets-encrypt here, so please be patient with me. i tried reading the documentation (a first for a newbie?) and i read the following at https : // Certbot

We are planning on releasing a new version of Certbot in the next few days that works around this

may i learn the status of this? the documentation seemed to imply that i just need to be patient.

and will there be a place in the documentation that walks a newbie through this procedure on apache-centos7?

and thank you very much for offering an economical alternative to expensive certifications.


Please use the same link Certbot.
If you scroll down, you can actually see steps telling you how to execute.(including install and deploy).

Steven Zhu

thanks - i saw that, but i also saw this part:

We are planning on releasing a new version of Certbot in the next few days that works around this but if you have to obtain a certificate and cannot wait, you have a couple of options.

it sounded as if a newbie might be better to wait. is something better coming along very soon? that is what i understood.


Yes. for a security reason they disabled a fully automated process (most easy). Now they are working to develop a new method for easy issuance.

If you are confident to do a little more work than entering 1,2,3 , you can try using the method suggested. Or you can wait for few more days and there'll be a update.

Thanks ,
Steven Zhu

Certbot 0.21.0 was released last week with the feature mentioned. That page needs to be updated.

However, it's likely that the yum package has not yet been upgraded, so you may need to install Certbot using a different method (like certbot-auto) to get the latest package.

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