Need help registering necessary domain after a few mistakes in production

I was testing a different topology for domains and ran into a limit of 20 domains that I was unaware of.

With that know, I scrapped this idea, but now when my kubernetes cluster lego instance tries to get an ssl cert for a necessary domain,, I run into the same limit of 20 domains.

The following are logs from lego:

time="2017-11-28T04:33:16Z" level=error msg="Error while processing certificate requests: no domain could be authorized successfully, error getting certificate: 429 urn:acme:error:rateLimited: Error creating new cert :: too many certificates already issued for:" context=kubelego

How can I tell certbot that I don’t need certs for some of these domains we’re not even using anymore without waiting for them to just expire in 90 days?

I’m really confused here, some help would be greatly appreciated


I believe the limits are 20 per domain per 7 day period.
Shows most of the last 20 were obtained on 2017/11/23.
So you should be able to get more new certs 7 days after that = 2017/11/30 (in 2 days).

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