My SSL certificate appears to be self signed

Thank you for your reply but the problem occurs even when I access the let's encrypt and the nopadlock web sites as you can see in the screenshots below.
When I access the let's encrypt and whynopadlock web sites it displays the following error:
but when I access my domain (, it shows:
This problem appears with
windows 7 + google chrome version 94

But It works with firefox

Since the problem appears even when I access let's encrypt and whynopadlockweb sites so the problem is not at my level isn't it?

Error with let's encrypt

Error with nopadlock

I prefer to open a new post about it

The problem is within the Win7 systems themselves.
The windows trust store may not have the newer "ISRG Root X1 (self-signed)" root cert.
You can get a copy from: Chain of Trust - Let's Encrypt (


Indeed I exported the ISRG Root X1 certificate from firefox and I imported it into google chrome then it worked.
This issue does not occur with firefox because it has its own root store wich includes the ISRG Root X1 certificate isn't it. from what I read here, new versions of Chrome will also have their own root store.
I hope they will do it soon, this will solve all these problems.
It is not obvious to ask all our users to import the certificate of ISRG Root X1 into google chrome

So that last line agrees with what I'm thinking: Today Chrome has no dedicated root store.
Then it disagrees with the first line: You imported into Chrome.
Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't chrome simply use the systems' root store?
Can you show where/how you "imported it into google chrome"?
[for the benefit of all future readers]

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ok, i will try to redo the import on another machine, i will let you know.

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I made a video to show how I exported the IRSG Root X1 certificate from firefox and then I imported it into google chrome: see the vides here

And then I rebooted google chrome and it works: see the video here


Yes, there are several ways to get the cert and install it, but the video shown method is simple and clear and will solve this problem.
Thanks for making it :slight_smile:

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