Migration of WordPress to HTTPS - Concern about Google Rankings

A little introduction: I am not a technical person, just a (WordPress) website owner. I’m preparing to activate Let’s Encrypt using the setting in my Cosmos hosting panel. My question is about the TLS settings I see in Cosmos.

There is a setting called ‘Force TLS’. When I enable this, do I still have to create a 301 rewrite rule in the .htaccess?

My main concern: losing my Google rankings. What’s the best approach for keeping the current rankings in the SERP’s when migrating to https?

Hope anyone can advise on this. Thanks in advance!

search wordpress on this site for recommendations on how to migrate from HTTP to HTTPS

google is preferring content served over HTTPS

wordpress has a concept of a home path which can be updated and if you do it right your previous content will be automatically redirected

for example: https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/

I have also updated your title so others can chip in who have more knowledge of wordpress (human SEO is always best :P)



As @ahaw021 said, Google has said publicly that they are providing a slight ranking bump for HTTPS. A few large sites have reported a temporary dip in rankings when they move over, but they quickly recovered. Wired's article on their migration is a great source.

this article suggest that after you migrat to HTTPS you should submit your site again for crawling

To inform Google about the change in URL, re-add your WordPress site to Google webmaster tool (but this time with https://) and follow this this guide to let Google know about the change of URL.


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