Migrating Servers: Want to Also Stop Using Certbot

Yes! I would certainly call that an improvement.

I just installed certbot via this method, and it was completely painless. It seems I will be sticking with it for now, but I'm still thinking about alternatives for the long-run.

Now I'm just irritated at the EFF and the certbot team for discouraging people for using what (IMHO) is a superior method of installation. They could have even made a low-effort, passing mention like "Alternatively, install it from EPEL" but instead, their dedicated pages for RHEL and other similar distributions all just mention snap and nothing else. It is bizarre to me that they have separate, distro-specific instruction pages but then they don't mention anything distro-specific on them, even when there are distro-specific options like this.

And it's frustrating when I have to learn about this option from off-site pages. Them just mentioning the repository could have saved me a lot of time and headache.