Isssue in the https its expired, how to reactivate ssl

Hello , i am facing issue with the website, its ssl gone and now ssl saying that Your connection is not private

its annoying me, how can i reactivate as i previously applied for the letsencrypt ssl for https.

My domain is:

I ran this command:

It produced this output:

My web server is (include version): apache

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: namecheap

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know):

I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):


Since you are a namecheap hosting customer, you could try to request a free certificate (comodo positive ssl) from your cPanel (Namecheap SSL)
go to / (both are fine), follow the instructions to create a certificate & download it.

Thank you

Hi @harpalsingh

This was your fist certificate, valid until 2018-06-18.

What command did you use (2018-03-20)? Use the same command.

Letsencrypt-certificates are only 90 days valide. So create a cronjob to do this every 60 - 80 days.

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Actually i forgort the link from where i allowed ftp permission to create folder and then they putting content in that folder in my site .
have u remember a website which provides 2 ways to install certificate , one is to provide ftp details and other user will upload files in the folder by themself.

They have a ftp option....

So what is the link from where I can install ssl again.

That's the link....

And here's the prefilled domains.....

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Thanks a lot, it worked for me.

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