Is it a ipv6 problem?

Our websites uses the Plesk server. The mobile website does not work when using Mobile Data Internet, but works fine on Wifi. This happen after we switched to Plesk.

We checked the ipv6 settings on the admin pannel which is fine.

What can be the issue? Why is the website not working on mobile data internet which have ipv6?

Mobile data internet with ipv4 has no issues.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @rohan_r,

What’s your domain name?

Thanks for your reply!


I think this is likely to be an IPv6-related problem, because the content of your site is different when viewed in IPv4 or IPv6 (in either HTTP or HTTPS).

You also do not have a Let’s Encrypt certificate at all and have never had one, so the site won’t work in HTTPS for any visitors. Once you’ve figured out how to eliminate the difference between the site’s IPv4 and IPv6 behavior, you should continue with whatever process you may have been investigating for getting your certificate from Let’s Encrypt so that your site will work in HTTPS. :slight_smile:

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