Installing/Renewing Certificate for JIRA, in Windows

Hi Andrei,

Holy smokes, that worked! At least, JIRA’s config.bat tool gave me thumbs up.

However, after selecting http+https, whether I enter port 443 or 8443, the JIRA service fails to restart. I checked netstat -an | find "443" but nothing is listening. Here is the Windows service start error message:

Here is my config:

I should say that when I ran config.bat (as Administrator, yes), it complained about: “No JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable is set - attempting to just run ‘java’ command” but since the GUI did fire up, I thought it wasn’t a problem.

Thank you very much for offering to help! If you do not think it’s just another tweak then a step-by-step guide would be much appreciated.

Oh, I did see the Porecle steps on the JIRA page but I thought that the “Cry for help…” LE page with the openssh and the keytool steps would take the place of Portecle. Was that wrong?

Thanks again,