Installation win-acme

My domain is:
I want to create new certifificate
It produced this output:
[EROR] Preliminary validation failed
System.Net.WebException: No es posible conectar con el servidor remoto —> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No se puede establecer una conexión ya que el equipo de destino denegó expresamente dicha conexión

Ip is an older ip is not the current internal ip.

Windows Server 2016, Apache 2.4,win-acme.v2.0.7.315

Hi @juliapc

your error message is the standard NET message:

System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to remote server -> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection can not be established because the target computer expressly denied that connection

So why is the wrong internal ip address used? Is there a wrong hosts entry? (/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts).

PS: Checked your domain there is a certificate.
expires in 17 days - 1 entry


Revoked: The certificate is revoked.

Did you lost the private key? Or why is the certificate revoked?

We change the server and the internal ip, the new ip is
We revoke the old certificate to create a new certificate at the new server.

That's always wrong. Revoking of certificates is required if the private key is stolen.

But not, if you only want to create a new certificate. Now, your website is blocked because of the revoked certificate.



If it isn't a problem of your hosts file, your network configuration is wrong. Firewall -> wrong server.

Oops, how can I correct the error and unlock the certificate?

Revoked is revoked. You can't undo that.

And I can not create a new one?

You can. But you have to fix your internal network, that's wrong and blocks.

Thank you very much for the information

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