Impossible to renew certificates, symlink problem, privkey2.pem problem

Can you please explain this?

You should delete all certs and then everything within the /live/ directory.
certbot delete --cert-name
rm -R /etc/letsencrypt/live/*

And then, get a new cert as you did in the past.


After following @rg305 advice be sure to always have nginx running before you run any Certbot command that uses the --nginx plugin like:

sudo certbot --nginx -d
sudo certbot renew

I did not see it running earlier but it is now. Certbot will start it if it is not running but not in a way that is compatible with modern systemd systems. You can reboot your server to fix that.


now I cannot launch nginx for some weird reason which means I can't run the commands you and [rg305] have written, right?

You probably just need to comment out the server block for port 443 for that domain.

It is likely still referring to the certificate file that no longer exists. And that is preventing nginx from starting.

Then after you re-run certbot --nginx ... command it will recreate that. You then copy any custom settings from the one you commented out to the new server block.


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