Icons on Bottom Right of Site

The bottoms on the bottom right of the website like the web provider and my address, my name and my number are situated in plain sight and I need this to be removed instantly does anyone know how?!?

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I've no idea what you're talking about, but I'm preeeeeeetty sure it's not Let's Encrypt related.

Could you please explain how your thread is related to Let's Encrypt? If not, I'm enclined to close your thread.


I can't be entirely sure but it only happened when my ssl came in from lets encrypt
It's this thing

The Icons

What ACME client software did you install to get this icons?


I did not try to get these Icons they appeared and I don't know how to get rid of them

I'm pretty sure that whatever it is in that screenshot, it has nothing to do with Let's Encrypt or certbot.


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