My web server is (include version):
Docker containers which with Apache 2.x & PHP 5.7
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):
CentOS 7
My hosting provider, if applicable, is:
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know):
I tried to build letsencrypt files in the host,I tried to build it for some docker containers ,I have build letencrypt files in /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain/ sucessfully with with -standalone parameter,my problem was when my containers using these files,it didn’t work,the apache was stuck when I tried to access it with https and I tried to using these file within a container which is with Tomcat 8.5 ,it didn’t work as well,it just be stucked,it’s not able to access the Tomcat with https,
until I build the letsencrypt files within the docker containers,it would work fine
any idea what wrong I have done?thanks
well,it just always loading the page when I tried to access with https,and I have been waiting so long abd it look like never finished loading,thanks in advance
the strange things was when I logged in the container and built the letsencrypt inside container which i didn’t use docker -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain/ command to share my certificate,used docker run -it containername /bin/bash instead,and build it within the container,it works fine
my problem was the certficates files needs to share with another container which is Tomcat, I have no idea how to share the files such private key and certificate files if I do so
I'm not familiar with container, but I know that if you do not destroy the container in a regular basis (aka not destroy the container once per week / month), you could just request the certificate inside the container....
For the loading part, is the certificate already sent then the webpage stalls? Or neither certificate not the contents are sent?
[Running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors())
I tried to verify the pem files within the containers with Openssl,it failed even it’s existed literally though
take a look at this
root@29bed69b4aae:/etc/letsencrypt/live/ openssl verify privkey.pem
Can’t open privkey.pem for reading, No such file or directory
140351293908224:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:…/crypto/bio/bss_file.c:74:fopen(‘privkey.pem’,‘r’)
140351293908224:error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file:…/crypto/bio/bss_file.c:81:
unable to load certificate