How to tell if snap version is running?

The Debian version of Certbot gave me a new log file at least once every 24 hours. Does the snap version do the same?

The Debian package ships a cli.ini which disables Certbot's log rotation and sets up a logrotate rule instead.

Certbot's default behavior otherwise, including the snap's default behavior, is to rotate the log file at 1MB, with up to 1000 log files retained.

If you replace the Debian package with the snap, you might want to make sure that cli.ini has the setting that makes most sense for you.


Thank you. I found and inspected the log file that confirms (snap)/certbot is running.

I found that with backups=0, certbot appends to the log file so I use backups=1. That way I have a single logfile entry, a single .log, and a single .gz file. Less to keep track of and clean up after. I have limited memory and don't want a million useless log files.

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