How to remove Letsencrypt from Raspbian Buster?


I used to have native secure access with Lets Encrypt at the host with a free duckdns domain.
The host is a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Buster running Domoticz (smarthome web app)
This method (Native secure access with Lets Encrypt - Domoticz) installs a server_cert.pem file with letsencrypt in the domoticz folder.

But recently I have changed the secured access (AND a new domain name) to my pfSense router on which I have installed the ACME/HAproxy server plug-ins.
So now I have configured SSL offloading in the frontend of the HAproxy server, which is working quite well.

Therefor native secure access with Lets Encrypt installed at the host Raspberry Pi is not needed anymore. How can I perform a clean uninstall/remove letsencrypt from the Raspberry Pi?

Note : when I only remove the server_cert.pem certificate from the Domoticz folder, I get a message in the domoticz log that domoticz is missing the somewhere in the configuration domoticz still is looking for the certificate but I can't find where that is.
I am not sure if this is configured at the domoticz side or letsencrypt (/etc/letsencrypt) side?
I have turned off the crontab job to renew the certificate

2021-05-15 06:31:40.081 Error: [web:443] missing SSL certificate chain file ./server_cert.pem!
2021-05-15 06:31:40.081 Error: [web:443] missing SSL certificate file ./server_cert.pem!
2021-05-15 06:31:40.081 Error: [web:443] missing SSL private key file ./server_cert.pem!
2021-05-15 06:31:40.081 Error: [web:443] missing SSL DH parameters file ./server_cert.pem!

Sorry I already figured it out.
apparently domoticz installs the PEM file by default, even if you don't use it

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