How to add new subdomain on my certificat

I think an IPv6 ::: binding may also apply to IPv4 interfaces, depending on the socket type. I don’t think it’s proof that the machine is not listening in IPv4.

@rg305 If it’s automatic at the VPS installation yes, if not, I have nothing to do with the IP.
Here is the result of the command in ssh:

root@vps137760:~# netstat -nap tcp | grep :80
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      4212/apache2

By all accounts, this should be working.
Is there a firewall that may be blocking Internet inbound IPv4:443 connections?

@rg305 @schoen
I do not think so.
Is there a way to completely uninstall “Let’s Encrypt”? And I restart the instalation to see if it works.

Still no idea? I’m really stuck at the moment …

I would again like @SwartzCr or @bmw to take a look at this because I’m not immediately sure how to interpret the situation.

So you should be able to roll back the edits to your configs that certbot made. There’s some info on it here:
But since your vhosts look really simple I’d say you likely don’t have to do that.
Instead what I’d do is delete 000-default-le-ssl.conf, gat your server configuration into a place where both sites are serving correctly, and then run certbot again.
Uninstalling and reinstalling certbot won’t do anything unfortunately.
It’s possible that you have a firewall blocking port 443, it’s also possible that a listen directive for 443 isn’t being included for some reason.
So I’d see if you can either manually configure SSL or get certbot to do it right from a working configuration. If you can do either of those, renewal should work fine - since renewal doesn’t edit your configuration files, it just fetches new certificates.
Let me know if that helps at all, and happy to help debug more

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