How is my apache misconfigured exactly?

@alanbell, I’m sorry you’ve been having trouble. Based on the log you included, I can tell you more about what’s going on. The Apache plugin uses the apache2ctl binary to get information about the Apache configuration. The name of this binary can be controlled with the --apache-ctl option on the command line. If you’d like more info on that, run letsencrypt-auto --help apache.

Based on the traceback you provided, what the code is doing at this point is running apache2ctl -D DUMP_RUN_CFG which returns the parsed configuration used by Apache. When it does this, apache2ctl is writing the following to STDERR and returning a non-zero return value:

(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

This suggests to me that your Apache configuration tells Apache to bind to port 80, but it is unable to do so. If you can fix the problem with apache2ctl -D DUMP_RUN_CFG, it will fix this problem with the client. Unfortunately, I’m unable to tell you exactly what needs to be done as that depends heavily on your Apache config. Hopefully the information I’ve provided here helps.

@jftr, if you’re having the exact same issue, everything I just wrote applies to you as well. If your error/traceback is different, please include some logging output so I can better diagnose the problem.