Is there a list of HOSTS that allow Lets Encrypt without charging for it.. I want to move a domain to another new host but not sure who allows simple installation of it?
Hi @johnbor,
Short answer: NO.
What IP addresses does Let’s Encrypt use to validate my web server?
Let’s Encrypt does not publish a list of IP addresses we use to validate,
and these IP addresses may change at any time.
Let's Encrypt uses Multi-Perspective Validation Improves Domain Validation Security - Let's Encrypt
Oh I thought there was prefered hosts lets encrypt knows they allow it? just want top make sure when I move my domain I can install it..
I think @johnbor is looking for hosting providers that include Let's Encrypt certificates without charging any additional fees for it.
There used to be a list of web hosts that support Let's Encrypt:
It's no longer maintained though. There are a lot of hosters these days that handle certs out of the box for you.
that is 100% Correct..
There's also a list at Does My Hosting Provider Offer HTTPS? | Certbot, but I'm not sure how well that's maintained too. Probably only by the community, but it only had 4 modifications last year: one deletion, two additions and one simple added note.
What kind of hosting are you looking for? Static, PHP, Wordpress etc? I assume you're not looking for VM hosting as you would then manage the certificates yourself.
No simple shared nothing special I upload and build my on site so dont need wordpress I straght ftp it
Cool, if your site is static html you can even use Cloudflare Pages or Github Pages to host it for free and that will also give you free HTTPS.
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