Help renewing certificates - step by step instructions please!

The --standalone method is mainly intended for people who are not running a web server on the computer where they obtain the certificate (for example, if they intend to use it for an e-mail server or some other kind of service). If there’s a tutorial out there suggesting using it for some other reason, it’s almost certainly giving bad advance.

Certbot remembers what authentication method you used when you obtained the certificate, and uses that method again if you run certbot renew. So if you got your certificate with --standalone, it will also be used for renewal.

You can change the authentication method by running certbot certonly --force-renew --cert-name your-certificate-name (filling in the appropriate name in place of your-certificate-name, as listed in the output of certbot certificates), plus the authentication option(s) that you want to use, plus -d flags for each domain name that the certificate should cover. For example, if you wanted to use --apache instead, you could run

certbot certonly --force-renew --apache --cert-name your-certificate-name -d -d -w

Usually --apache and --nginx are best for people who are running those servers, and --webroot for people who are running a different web server, or who can’t get --apache or --nginx to configure their servers appropriately. (Until recently, --webroot was recommended for all Nginx users, but now we suggest trying --nginx instead.)