I posted about an issue I had with my setup but the problem is that my post with the mention of my domain was indexed and now appears in Google results. I'd like to remove the post but for some reason I can't, I can only remove the comment I made on my post after it was resolved.
I've found an old thread about it (from 4 years ago) and they basically said asking a mod but I'm not sure how to do that. Can anyone help out?
I don't see your previous post in google results. Not even when searching for the domain name. Perhaps it shows for you from your prior search history? I am not expert at google's algorithms.
That said, posts here with solutions are an essential part of a useful community. Other people use the forum search tool and find solutions to their problems. That considerably reduces the time needed for personal attention by the unpaid volunteers here (like me!).
Domain names are not secret anyway. Nor are IP addresses. This info is readily found in the Certificate Transparency logs, the public DNS system and other sources.
I think you should be able to flag whatever post of yours that you're concerned about and choose "something else" to send a message to the moderators about it.
But agreeing with @MikeMcQ, domain names are all public information, and hiding it from a post here isn't going to do much to prevent it from being known. If you want a domain to not appear in Google, they offer settings for that, and other search engines offer their own settings too (with some amount of industry standardization on the robots.txt file to prevent crawling, and the robots meta tag to prevent indexing, depending on what you're trying to prevent).
It's not that I don't want my domain name known. It's that I don't want the top result to be a post about a technical issue I was having. And the post does show up if you Google "".
Also, it's not very common for message boards / forums to make it so that one cannot delete or edit their own posts (I get a message about lacking permissions). Yes, the advice is helpful to the community but it's usually reasonable to be able to edit some information after posting or even deleting some of it. If this is an important part of the board think it merits a disclaimer ("You will not be able to edit or delete this message after posting it without a moderator approving it").
Either way I flagged my message so that a moderator can help.