Failed to group domains for renewal?

I got this email: “[Let’s Encrypt SSL] CRITICAL ERROR - Failed to group domains for renewal” and I’m not sure why I got it?

I didn’t do anything and the certificate was due to renew in 2+ months time so I’m not sure why it renewed. It affected all of my accounts that have a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate.

It produced this output:

A critical error was encountered during the Let’s Encrypt SSL renewal process.

Account: [name]
Action: Failed to group domains for renewal
Error: Invalid domain specified: autodiscover.[name].com

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know): Don’t know

I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): cPanel - I removed it and reissued it.

I am using WordPress for all of my sites.

That message wasn’t produced by Let’s Encrypt. The control panel must be up to something.

I only got two Google results for that error message. Do you know Japanese? (Google Translate works reasonably well on the page, at least.)

This forum may not have anyone familiar with the control panel in question. You may need to ask your host, or the control panel’s support.

Do you have any idea why creating a new certificate for autodiscover.[name].com would fail? What’s the real domain? Perhaps there’s a DNS outage, or web server misconfiguration, or you’ve partly deleted the site from the control panel…? Is there more information about the error in the email, or the control panel’s logs?

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