Hi, i’m trying to activate a SSL certificate using zerossl with dns verification but after to add txt records it show a mistake like “DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up TXT for _acme-challenge” can u help me to fix it?
So what’s the domain in question?
Thank you
Hi @jeovqb
can you post / upload a screenshot of your dns-menu with the new entry?
You must create a new name (type: txt) _acme-challenge.yourdomain.com with the given hash value.
But your menu may add .yourdomain.com. Then your new name is only _acme-challenge.
It’s possible that your DNS provider also takes a bit to update all their nameservers - ZeroSSL gives you a command you can run on your computer to check if you can see the TXT record. It’s a good idea to make sure it’s there before electing to continue.
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