Error on newAccount JWS verification error

You may tell me where actually wrong?

Like I said, I don't code C#, so you'd have to look into your own code yourself, sorry.


I cloned your repo and tried out the code, played with a few things but didn't figure out the bug I'm afraid. It would probably take longer than I'm really willing to spend on helping out. It will no doubt be something small causing the issue in the end.

Personally I use certes, which although it's kind of abandoned is still good - I have a fork here: GitHub - webprofusion/certes: A client implementation for the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol (slightly more maintained, but not to the same excellent standard the original was) - you can also get it from nuget as Webprofusion.Certes. I use this in Certify The Web.

win-acme uses GitHub - PKISharp/ACMESharpCore: An ACME v2 client library for .NET Standard (Let's Encrypt)

You could theoretically use the same account key with any of these libraries and use Fiddler to examine the API conversation (or clone them and step through debug to check the output signed data, JSON etc is the same).

I understand it's useful to develop your own client from fewer dependencies (although you still have things like RestSharp that you don't really need in there) and I've been tempted to do it myself.

For testing I'd recommend running Pebble in docker (on windows) so you can run your own test ACME CA and restart it to delete state etc. As @jvanasco mentioned building an ACME client is best done in testable chunks, so implementing unit tests (or integration tests) against pebble gives you something repeatable.

Note also that other users do use tools like Posh-ACME, Certify The Web, or win-acme on windows to automate IIS site setups, so you don't strictly have to build your own, instead you can just automate the IIS site creation (with http hostname bindings) then use another tool to perform the certificate order and https bindings.


Ok Thanks @Osiris

Thank you @rg305 or reply to me once again.

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Once again thanks to @webprofusion for the best suggestion reply on the topic.

Ok, I'll use Pebble in docker (on windows) as your recommendation and I'll check other clients as mentioned webprofusion/certes: A client implementation for the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol and GitHub - PKISharp/ACMESharpCore: An ACME v2 client library for .NET Standard (Let's Encrypt) to check the output signed data, JSON and other stuffs.


Thanks to all community members who answered me (@mcpherrinm, @_az, @webprofusion, @bruncsak, @Osiris, @rg305, @jvanasco) and also the Let's Encrypt for such a wonderful community.

I Hope, I'll resolve this!


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