DNS-01 Challenge Failing

I am not a Windows install expert - I just use it :slight_smile: On my system it is an .exe and looks like it is part of my standard Windows but maybe came in on some extra Windows feature. Or maybe because Pro version. I don't know.

google showed this powershell cmdlet so from powershell prompt

resolve-dnsname -type soa _acme-challenge.jellyoctomedia.com

Name                        Type TTL   Section    PrimaryServer               NameAdministrator           SerialNumber
----                        ---- ---   -------    -------------               -----------------           ------------
jellyoctomedia.com          SOA  1732  Authority  destiny.ns.cloudflare.com   dns.cloudflare.com          2345140976

I still think it might be worth trying the HTTP or TLS-ALPN challenge rather than trying to figure out this DNS challenge. I think this DNS query problem is related to that. See my earlier post DNS-01 Challenge Failing - #9 by MikeMcQ

EDIT: We cross-posted. That resolve-dnsname output looks normal


I used cloudflare and DNS because it was the only one I found an easy tutorial to use to be honest. Also my domain is registered with cloudflare.

I've tried looking at the HTTP challenge for Caddy and their documentation doesn't make much sense if I'm being honest.

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Maybe simply disable your Cloudflare stuff in Caddy? :person_shrugging:t2: The docs at Automatic HTTPS — Caddy Documentation state the http-01 challenge is automatically enabled and doesn't mention a way to "force" it. But it seems the dns-01 challenge requires manual enabling, so it makes sense that disabling dns-01 would enable http-01 and/or tls-alpn-01.

Was there a specific reason to try the Cloudflare DNS method to begin with?

Alternatively ditch Caddy altogether.

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