Cron not working?

Hej sahsanu

sorry for the late response. I did it several ways. First I copied/pasted it from this website. Then I typed it manually. Usually I use sudo crontab -e or as root user crontab -e.

Not sure if I answered your question right.

But I found a workaround. Based on your replies here I have disabled certbot.timer and added the following line to my crontab:

30 3 * * 1 systemctl start certbot.service

I have tested it this way:

*/15 * * * * systemctl start certbot.service

and could find the following in the logs:

Apr 27 18:15:01 winter-pi systemd[1]: Starting Certbot...
Apr 27 18:30:01 winter-pi systemd[1]: Starting Certbot...
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  1635 Apr 27 18:30 letsencrypt.log
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  1635 Apr 27 18:15 letsencrypt.log.1

Anyhow, I would like to know why my previous setup did not work.

Thank you much in advance.

Kind regards