Correct domain name, incorrect hostname in output

Thank you for your response!
I've found the issue.
It is the incorrect .well-known redirects of Apple Mac OS.

The fix is here: [Solved] Apple server proxy blocks access to .well-known - #6 by cyrilpic

The cleanest solution I found was to create a new custom proxy site for apples apache serviceproxy:

ProxyPass /.well-known/acme-challenge
ProxyPassReverse /.well-known/acme-challenge

That file is automatically loaded by the proxy thru the file /Library/Server/Web/Config/Proxy/apache_serviceproxy.conf

After I added the file I restarted the proxy thru launchctl:
sudo launchctl stop because the proxy itself doesn't restart when the web service is restarted.

Thank to DDJarod