If you can't upgrade to Certbot 1.12, you could manually edit the chain file in /etc/letsencrypt/live to remove the X3 certificate if users have a conflict with that. This is not a particularly elegant or convenient solution compared to running a newer Certbot.
It's important to understand that the "long chain" (containing the expired certificate, which is recommended by default for compatibility with older Android clients) does cause compatibility problems with some other systems, which may be fixable by changing to the "short chain" (excluding the X3 certificate from the chain). But this will not in any case restore compatibility with clients running macOS prior to 10.12.1; Let's Encrypt is now permanently incompatible with these clients, regardless of which chain you use, unless end-users manually install the ISRG X1 root certificate or switch to Firefox, or unless Apple decides to issue a software update for these otherwise-out-of-support OSes. See Certificate Compatibility - Let's Encrypt for more details.
Installed the latest certbot and was able to set the preferred-chain.
That fixed access for the Chrome Browser, but I have users who say they their Safari runs on the latest MacOS version and they still get the security warning. I don't have any apple gear so can't check.
Mind you the site still fails server tests (ie. SSL Server Test (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs)) with an invalid license, but now works on Firefox and Chrome Browser
Not sure what this looked like before the end of september
Sorry, should have mentions this before.
The site is running on the latest Ubuntu LTS server and Apache with all up to date.
And the certificate is wildcard
I would start to unravel that Apache mess with the output of: sudo apachectl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS
are you trying to connect to: https://zudiewiener.com/ ?
If so, the wildcard cert doesn't cover that name.
It only covers name that end with ".zudiewiener.com" (notice the leading dot)
[note: they also won't cover name that have more dots than the ones shown in the cert name]
@rg305 is exactly right here: Safari and Chrome disagree about whether a certificate for *.example.com also covers example.com or not. Chrome believes it does; Safari believes it doesn't. Safari is more correct according to Internet standards.
Safari may be more correct, just not sure what's going on.
I understand the inital issue with the expiry of the root certificate.
Not sure why after fixing the original problem, Safary still doesn 'work', when it previosuly happily worked with a wildcard certificate
FYI: This is typically not an issue caused by users, but deliberate planned obsolescence by Apple in search of increased profits. Apple made a business decision to prohibit legacy hardware from running newer operating systems; third party tools must be used to patch OS X installers (10.11-10.15) to run on a range of older Macs that have more than enough computing power to run them. They've also limited their support windows for operating system updates to around 3 years - which is rather short for commercial products when compared to 5 year active windows (and longer security updates) for FOSS.
Apple should have supported upgrading the OS of older machines; and Apple should have continued issuing Trust Store updates for older operating systems.