CertSage for certificate renewal

Sorry I hadn't replied to your email yet. Have been very busy over the holiday.

The problem you are facing is due to trying to combine the two domain names into one certificate. Since CertSage creates the ACME challenge files for the HTTP-01 challenge in ./.well-known/acme-challenge/, only domain names sharing the same webroot directory where the running copy of CertSage is located can be combined into one certificate. Thus, fractal-timewave.com and www.fractal-timewave.com should be on one certificate while hermetic-systems.com and www.hermetic-systems.com should be on another certificate. This is consistent with what you did before per the certificate histories of both domain names:

The current version of CertSage no longer uses the code.txt file and has corrected permissions, so you should be able to directly benefit from its streamlining and improved stability.

The following table shows the lines to modify in the current version should you wish to customize file and directory names, locations, and permissions.

Entity Line Number
CertSage directory name and location 018
CertSage directory permissions 285
account.key file name 266
account-staging.key file name 273
account.key and account-staging.key file location 377
account.key and account-staging.key file permissions 379
certificate.crt file name and location 636
certificate.crt file permissions 638
certificate.key file name and location 640
certificate.key file permissions 642
responses.txt file name and location 647 and 686
responses.txt file permissions 649 and 688

You only need to provide the certificate.crt and certificate.key files to your hosting provider. The account.key and account-staging.key files are for your eyes only. The responses.txt file is purely for troubleshooting purposes and contains nothing sensitive should you ever wish to post it here or email it.