Certificates issued to many

I had to re-install wordpress a few times during white screens but now i cant install the certificate! Now i have to wait for a week to go online? Is it possible to reset this or somthing? I also try the next day (today) they say, it will work again but no :frowning:

Invalid response from https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-cert.
Type: urn:acme:error:rateLimited
Status: 429
Detail: Error creating new cert :: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains: pantykopen.nl: see https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/

Hi @Smokey,

You can issue certificates because you have issued 10 certificates and the limit is 20 BUT you have reached another limit (twice), 5 duplicated certificates per 7 days.

CRT ID     CERT TYPE  DOMAIN (CN)    VALID FROM             VALID TO               EXPIRES IN  SANs
511761571  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 10:26 UTC  2018-Sep-05 10:26 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl
511743928  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 10:15 UTC  2018-Sep-05 10:15 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl
511662717  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 09:14 UTC  2018-Sep-05 09:14 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl
511431011  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 10:15 UTC  2018-Sep-05 10:15 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl
511397004  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 09:57 UTC  2018-Sep-05 09:57 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl
511388353  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 09:34 UTC  2018-Sep-05 09:34 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl
511384319  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 09:29 UTC  2018-Sep-05 09:29 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl
511383845  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 09:29 UTC  2018-Sep-05 09:29 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl
511379628  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 09:23 UTC  2018-Sep-05 09:23 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl
511353657  Pre cert   pantykopen.nl  2018-Jun-07 09:23 UTC  2018-Sep-05 09:23 UTC  88 days     pantykopen.nl

It is not possible to reset the limit but there is a workaround and you could issue a new cert if you add or remove a domain.

For example, you have a certificate covering pantykopen.nl, www.pantykopen.nl and webmail.pantykopen.nl if you can add a new subdomain to that certificate like whatever.pantykopen.nl you will have a certificate covering the four domains and you won't reach any limit so you could issue that certificate right now.

You could also get a cert covering pantykopen.nl and www.pantykopen.nl and another certificate covering only webmail.pantykopen.nl and you could do that right now.

If you don't want to do that then you must wait till June 14th.


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