Certificates for hosts on private networks

This thread has some high Google juice, so here are some instructions on how to get certificates for private IP’s on letsencrypt.

Requirements: a domain name (example.com), access to the DNS server for example.com, root access on a publicly accessible server (server.example.com). And let’s assume you want to create a certificate for named foo.example.com

  1. install certsling on the server.
  2. Add an A record to point foo(.example.com) to
  3. Add an NS record to point _acme-challenge.foo(.example.com) to server.example.com
  4. sudo socat -T15 udp4-recvfrom:53,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:8053 on your server
  5. open port 53 on your server firewall
  6. mkdir myemail@example.com
  7. cd myemail@example.com
  8. certsling -s --dns foo.example.com to get certs from the letsencrypt staging server
  9. When step 8 works, rm -rf *
  10. certsling --dns foo.example.com to get real certs

Your certs will be in "myemail@example.com/foo.example.com/"!

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