I’ worked on a script this weekend and I’m getting close to automation…
acme.sh has a fully automatic gandi domain api support: https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/tree/master/dnsapi#18-use-gandi-livedns-api
It’s just 2 steps: I believe you can finished in 5 minutes.
You must enable the new Gandi LiveDNS API first and the create your api key, See: http://doc.livedns.gandi.net/
Ok, let’s issue a cert now:
export GANDI_LIVEDNS_KEY="fdmlfsdklmfdkmqsdfk"
acme.sh --issue --dns dns_gandi_livedns -d example.com -d www.example.com
it will handle the renewal automatically.
Thanks @Neilpang. I tried acme.sh many times and got sporadic response that I think was more related to gandi.net response. I didn’t even get to the gandi domain api side, I was just doing it manually and sometimes it worked and other times it didn’t. Do you know the ‘dig’ command that shows the TXT entry? This was bothered me as I couldn’t see if the DNS record was actually updated.
There a 2 kind of gandi api: The traditional dns and the new live dns api.
The traditional api can not update txt record in time.
We only support the gandi live dns api.
You can enable live dns api very easily. read the doc here: http://doc.livedns.gandi.net/1
Thanks for sharing your research.
@Neilpang thanks for that information. I’ll give it a try!
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