I think someone needs to provide him the proper way to stop/start the httpd service on Centos 6.1
Perhaps you might give a a summary description of what domains and subdomains your trying to utilize and how youâre trying to arrange things. I feel like intention might get lost in assumption here.
Iâm out for a bit. Back later.
The --apache
installer plugin would have reloaded Apache. If it couldn't, it should have given a warning.
Unless I'm blind I can see the file httpd.conf
clearly used by every loaded virtualhost (port 80 silimarminds.com and the images subdomain on port 80 and 443) except the default one (which is ssl.conf
The question is: where did the port 443 similarminds.com and both the research.similarminds.com virtualhosts go to? They are in the same file, but not in httpd -S
the certificate is working now. google is still saying my site is not secure for some reason, does it take awhile for google to start trusting a site again?
I'm curious (and for future visitors looking for a solution): what did you do to correct the problem? And what's the output of httpd -S
service httpd stop
service httpd start
To see what are the most recently wrote apache log files:
ls -lt /var/log/httpd | head
i just changed the ssl.conf file which missed my idiotic attention to the letsencrypt addresses from the defaults which were giving that bad certificate.
Can someone translate that into plain English? - lol
Hmm. But that doesn't really explain why those other virtualhosts were missing from your httpd -S
output previously..
He changed the /etc/pki/.. references probably to the Let's Encrypt ones. And he feels bad he missed that previously. I think.
until recently when it was actually restarted
i was adding them and then when i kept getting a failure to recognize the letsencrypt certs, i would remove them, mostly because my site was working ok in http mode, but with httpd redirects active, chrome would block my site. possibly still is (unless you click on the advanced tab and ignore their scary warnings).
Which link/site is showing this problem?
But why didn't certbot do that? It should have, unless certonly
was used, but I didn't see that in the command @mitwess ran.
Your site works fine here (Chromium).
just checked again and itâs showing up as secure now. woot!
No clue on that - maybe the logs show something
certbot, when i ran it from the command line, updated my httpd.conf but didnât touch my ssl.conf which was still linking to old/bad certs. the httpd -S suggestion revealed that problem. so thanks to that input and your other assistance in getting things working, iâm out of the chromium penalty box. yay!
Iâm glad all is working securely
One last request for me:
Please show the output of:
sudo /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto --version