Cert renew , error with python packages(utf8)

This was previously reported in August:

It's actually a bug in one of Certbot's dependencies, pip, and it has been fixed.

See especially this post by @bmw:

Since our release at the beginning of August, we install pip 9.0.1 which should include a fix for this. The problem may be occurring when we try to install the new pip version though.

If you can reproduce, I’d be interested to know the instructions for doing so, the output of grep -m1 LE_AUTO_VERSION /path/to/certbot-auto, and the output of path/to/certbot-auto --verbose.

I wonder if you're stuck with an older version of certbot-auto and pip, which now has trouble upgrading itself...

Could you post the information requested in that quote?

Running "LANG=C /usr/local/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto certonly --apache --renew-by-default -d www2.nicklee.tw" (overriding the language setting) once may allow Certbot and pip to upgrade, and then it would work normally in the future.