March 31, 2016, 7:59pm
Your site is sending an outdated intermediate certificate. Let's Encrypt recently switched to a new intermediate certificate to fix issues for Windows XP users. The old intermediate certificate is called Let's Encrypt Authority X1
, the new one is called Let's Encrypt Authority X3
This has come up a couple of times for IIS and/or ACMESharp users. There's an open issue for ACMESharp here:
opened 08:13PM - 28 Mar 16 UTC
closed 11:48AM - 18 Jun 16 UTC
After installing the certificate on my server I get the following problem:
The s… erver certificate is signed by Issuer "Let's Encrypt Authority X3". The certificate in the chain is unfortunately "Let's Encrypt Authority X1". Is this a LetsEncrypt or an ACMESharp issue?
The Powershell script for generating the certificate:
# set parameters
$domain = ""
$certificiatePassword = "abcd1234"
$email = ""
$vault = "D:\Vault\{0}\{1}" -f $domain, [guid]::NewGuid()
$acmechallengedir = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\.well-known\acme-challenge\"
# include ACMEsharp
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Import-Module ACMEsharp.psd1
# make dir vault
mkdir $vault
cd $vault
# initialize ACMEVault
Initialize-ACMEVault -force -BaseURI
New-ACMERegistration -Contacts mailto:$email -AcceptTos
New-ACMEIdentifier -Dns $domain -Alias dns1
$completedChallenge = Complete-ACMEChallenge dns1 -ChallengeType http-01 -Handler manual
$challengeAnswer = ($completedChallenge.Challenges | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "http-01" }).Challenge
# save token to file
$challengeFile = $acmechallengedir + $challengeAnswer.Token
$challengeContent = $challengeAnswer.FileContent
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($challengeFile, $challengeContent)
# submit challenge
$challenge = Submit-ACMEChallenge -Ref dns1 -Challenge http-01
Write-Host $challenge
While ($challenge.Status -eq "pending") {
Start-Sleep -m 500 # wait half a second before trying
Write-Host "Status is still 'pending', waiting for it to change..."
$challenge = Update-ACMEIdentifier -Ref dns1
Write-Host $challenge
#get certificate
New-ACMECertificate -Identifier dns1 -Alias cert1 -Generate
$certificateInfo = Submit-ACMECertificate -Ref cert1
While([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($certificateInfo.IssuerSerialNumber)) {
Start-Sleep -m 500 # wait half a second before trying
Write-Host "IssuerSerialNumber is not set yet, waiting for it to be populated..."
$certificateInfo = Update-ACMECertificate -Ref cert1
$CertFile = $vault + "\cert1-all.pfx"
Get-ACMECertificate -Ref cert1 -ExportPkcs12 $CertFile -CertificatePassword $certificiatePassword
#install certificate
certutil -p $certificiatePassword -importpfx $CertFile
Write-Host "All done, there's a cert1-all.pfx file in $vault with password $certificiatePassword"
Write-Host "Import of certificate is completed"
This post suggests deleting the old intermediate certificate fixes the issue:
You can verify the fix using SSL Labs (you'll want to get rid of "This server's certificate chain is incomplete. Grade capped to B.").