Those are DNS entries, not IP address report.
Are you able to execute console commands?
What does the curl -4
command gives?
where do in need to put this code?
In my putty on my windows?
Or where?
You have to execute it on the console of the server. Yes, it can be through a putty session.
on the server i cannot find a console? Can it run from my windows putty? Only what is the command?
pi@odroidxu4:~$ curl -4
This is my wan ip...
That seems to be the IP address at your home. That is not what we are looking for. We are looking for the IP address of the server hosted. (at Directadmin must provide the public IP address, or option to execute command on the managed server. As I mentioned, I am not familiar with directadmin. Other volunteers knowledgeable of directadmin may help here, or you can always contact the support of the hosting provider the way to get the public IP address of the hosted server.
EDIT: You mentioned that you may be able to execute root shell. That is what I meant under the term "console command".
This perhaps:
cannot find where you are looking for
No, that gives only what you have just now in the DNS. I suggest you to start a chat with the support about fixing the IP address in the DNS:
Just ask this:
support about fixing the IP address in the DNS
And only ask biy the kosting provider?
Or also by the Domain?
Sorry, it looks like the IP address is correct. At least when I am accessing it via HTTP.
What seems to be your current issue with DNS/IP addresses?
IPv6 is not mandatory, so we should be able to ignore that for now. (Also the 2a02:cc8::102:45
address configured in DirectAdmin seems to be the correct IPv6 address. I can view your site using that IP address.)
The fact that DirectAdmin is still malfunctioning doesn't make much sense to me. Let's Debug also gives the all OK at Let's Debug. You need to contact the hosting provider which is providing you with DirectAdmin to ask them about that. (Not sure if you're on shared hosting or have a VPS though..)
and what do i need to say? Send them the link from lets debug?
or that they reset something?
Lest Encrypt side is everything ok?
No, not just that, because in itself that doesn't tell them anything at all.
You need to provide as much details from the failed attempt in DirectAdmin as possible. Ask them why DirectAdmin is giving you that "unreachable" error, even though other sites (volunteers like us or Let's Debug) don't have any issue with reaching your site, including the /.well-known/acme-challenge/
Yes. It looks like some preliminary test in DirectAdmin is failing and it's not even attempting to get an actual certificate from Let's Encrypt.
When i look in the database:
This map is not avalible...
Is that perhaps the problem?
see a ssl key map
I don't think so.. Usually that folder is just made on the fly by the ACME client and afterwards, if empty, removed again.
I make a ticket....
And now:
simple answer, i think you do something wrong.. was what tehy say to me....
Try to find out what... If i get the answer i psot it here.
THANKS for all the good support!!!
Love this way of working.
I did make a dontion to a child cancer foundation....
Great wishes for you all.