Cannot create new certificate

Correct! Thanks @serverco. @NoLifeKing, please don't revoke certificates unless you suspect them compromised. It's unnecessary and doesn't accomplish much due to the inherent problems with revocation.

Sure thing!

@NoLifeKing Looking at the logs from our end it appears like HAProxy or the origin webserver behind it are producing a 200 response to the validation HTTP request, but with an empty response body. Is there anything in your configuration that might suggest why?

E.g. for the most recent failed attempt I see:

"detail":"The key authorization file from the server did not match this challenge [nckax...] != []"

The first portion [nckax...] is what we expected to find. The second portion [] is the whitespace trimmed response body from the HTTP request.

I see the same error for the QKvAHb... authorization shared in this thread:

"detail":"The key authorization file from the server did not match this challenge [QKvAHb...] != []"

Can you verify that you can externally CURL a file from the /.well-known/acme-challenge directory through HAProxy and receive the correct response body?

Hope this helps!

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