Awardspace hosting DNS ZeroSSL

I really need help. I am using DNS verification for ZeroSSL, and my hosting provider is awardspace. the problem is, it has no area named ‘location’ or ‘name’ to put I will attach a screen shot.

Isn’t there some kind of option to add subdomains in a window “before” this window?

Hi @thexpiredpear

click Cancel, then “Add New” - is this the same picture?

What’s your domain name? Create a test entry (value “this is a test”), save it and check your domain to see the TXT result

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Based on this video of Awardspace DNS Manager, it looks like the interface is trying to tie the records to a selected “hostname”, so one might need to first “Create a free subdomain” and then select that as a “hostname” on the screen which you have posted. If I’m not mistaken though, leading underscores are not quite allowed in that case, but you might give it a go anyway. As an alternative, there are plenty of free DNS hosting providers you might use instead (wihout changing the hosting for your website).

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