Automatic renewal of certificate fails

It is OK that is shows (something like):

tcp6    0    0 :::80    :::*   LISTEN    50858/apache2

That only means it can listen on both IPv4 & IPv6.

You just need to take IPv6 out from the DNS name.

There aren't enough details in the log to know which IP was used.
Please delete (or move) the log file and we will make a new log file with:
certbot certonly --webroot -d --dry-run -vv
[then show that one here]

Thanks a lot Rudy, for all the helpful support. Learned a lot today :slight_smile: In the meantime I rebooted the server. Obviously the network interfaces reset clearly now. Have done this before, but after the reboot and eliminating all the IPv6 stuff everything is working like expected. Tomorrow I will follow your advice to create a IPv6 test domain and see how it goes. In case I have additional questions, I know now which one to ask :wink:

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