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@serverco I wrote in python. If you ask why I write another python implementation when there’s already an official one, then the answer will be:

Certbot aims at providing a command line console which still requires human interventions to acquire a certificate, I.e. pressing ENTER after copying and pasting the challenge string (authentication key) into the corresponding place where it will be served by the webserver. Unfortunately I’m only using nginx for load balancing but not request routing, and I’d like my server to respond to my get the certificate done command fully automatically. I tried to call Certbot through subprocess but couldn’t deal with waiting for stdout/reading/writing ENTER back nicely enough. Furthermore I have a personal preference that my pip dependencies must be countable, which ruled out introducing packages like expect

It would be nice if someday the Certbot can be programmatically integrated into the user’s codebase. Ripping out Acme package from Certbot is not a good idea because as far as I know it’s currently a submodule of Certbot, which is subject to changes without sticking to any specific standard API.

While, I’m just saying. Not sure if there are many people who make use of Boulder this way.

Merry Christmas.
