Add SSL to subdomain landing page

Hello, my site is hosted internally on Ubuntu using Vesta CP. The let’s encrypt cert works great for the site but I now need it to apply to specific subdomain landing page of , how can I do that? I have read through several help articles and I do not see how to accomplish this.

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And you’re also using VestaCP for your Let’s Encrypt certificates? If so, it should be somewhere in that control panel. Unfortunately, I don’t use VestaCP, so can’t help you with that.

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SSL Certificates are issued based on domain/subdomain. You would have have to make sure you have a Certificate to cover (either another LE Cert or a wildcard if that’s what you have). Once you have a Certificate for that the landing page will be covered. How to do it on the VestaCP platform, I’m not sure as I’ve never used it.

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