20/Domain Rate Limit, what time does it reset?

My domain is: vitalfootball.co.uk

I ran this command:

./certbot-auto certonly --manual --debug-challenge --preferred-challenges dns-01 --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory -d *.vitalfootball.co.uk

It produced this output:

There were too many requests of a given type :: Error finalizing order :: too many certificates already issued for: vitalfootball.co.uk: see https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/

Basically we have been running a migration moving batches of sites at a time of a larger project. I have been monitoring the limits and was expecting to have 2 slots freed from my 20 today (if I’ve read correctly) but it hasn’t happened. So I am wondering when will they be available ?


Hi @Specy909,

You could issue a new certificate at aprox. Wednesday 2018-Apr-04 13:18:00 UTC so in 30 minutes you could try it again.


Hi @sahsanu,

You were spot on come 13:19 it issued without a problem.

I will make a not that A.) its UTC time (not bst) and B.) the reset is to the minute

Thanks for your help.


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The resets are timezone-agnostic. It’s a sliding 7 day (168 hour) window.

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